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/ MacWorld 1999 March - Disc 1 / Macworld (1999-03) (Disk 1).dmg / Shareware World / Info / My Mac Magazine #45 / My Mac Magazine #45, Jan '99 / My Mac Magazine #45, Jan '99.rsrc / PICT_2050.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1999-01-08  |  99KB  |  297x301  |  16-bit (14,879 colors)
Labels: bed | bed | cabinet | cell phone | chair | clock | desk | person | plaything | sky | swivel chair | table | windowpane
OCR: The PC Weeniest in... Signs You May Be a PC Weenie 0# Mom, iust more minutes, NOW! and swear "" turn off, promise!!! "Wuff The PC Weenies, all characters and tikenesses thereof are 1998 1999 Krishna M Sadasivam e-mait: kmseiag.ne Momjust kmse